Monday, May 4, 2020

Provide Mentoring Support to Colleagues for Session- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theProvide Mentoring Support to Colleagues for Session. Answer: Introduction The learner in this assignment deals with building relationship with the mentee as being a mentor. The role of a mentor is to guide and provide all kind of support needed to complete a particular job by the mentee. Therefore, to establish a good mentor-mentee relationship, they should play their role well. The learner here is playing the role of mentor to guide the mentee in the adopting nursing skills like risk management and handling emergency cases. In this session, after first contact, the learner introduced the subject to the mentee. The TQGC information provided the evidence that, the mentee is the people with the letter Q, charming, good in building relationship, and successful (Florczak et al. 2014). The roles and responsibilities of the mentor and mentee involve most importantly, good understanding within them. The adoption of good communication and interaction skills adoption is important in this context. The mentor should effectively recognize the weakness of mentee and pr oper evaluation method should be applied to the mentee for improving the performance. The mentee should agree with the decision of the mentor, by understanding the requirements, in spite of making arguments. Both mentor and mentee should be involved in the program deeply to achieve the goals (Garcia, 2015). Evidence of meeting/session The meeting sessions were decided with the consent of both the mentor and mentee in context of building a good mentor-mentee relation. The evidence showed that there were three sessions within the mentor and mentee for analyzing learning and program. The first session was conducted via email, on 20th august 2015 for initial need analysis and introducing the mentee, the second session was conducted for setting the goals of the task, on 27th august 2015 and the third session was a face-to-face meeting for analyzing various risk management strategies in health care profession. Setting the goals Date Time Content sequence Smart Goals Teaching Learning Strategies Resources / Equipment Session Assessment / Mentor evaluation Session 1: 20/08/15 Phone e-mail S= Specific- The session is specific because it specify the needs of the session with primary goals of the task Build relationship, M= Measurable- It is measurable via the collection of the consent of the mentee and analysis of the initial needs A= Attainable- It is attainable with the consent of both the mentor and mentee = Relevant- It is relevant as it will help to build a good mentor-mentee relation T= Time specific- It is time specific, took 30 minutes. Link to next session: Relationship building Consent collection Needs Analysis Session Plan paper Complete Consent form Needs Analysis tools Computer Phone Internet access Introductions with mentee, complete consent discussion and initial needs analysis. Helped for further session planning Session 2: 27/8/15 Meeting through skype S= Specific- It is specific because the session was based on setting the goal of the task. M= Measurable- It is measurable by analyzing its effectiveness with the initial needs A= Attainable- It is attainable with proper understanding within mentor and mentee R= It is relevant because setting the goals makes the task easy and effective T= Time specific- It is time specific because the meeting session took 1 hour time Link to next session: Goal setting for the task Working as a team Laptop Internet access Pen Paper Goals of the work are set which helped in further progress in the work Session 3: 10.9.2015 Face-to-face meeting S= Specific-it is specific because after analyzing the needs and setting the goal this session will provide further progress regarding the risk assessment in nursing in the task M= Measurable- It is measurable because the session is related to the success of the mentor-mentee relation A= Attainable- it is attainable with effort R= it is relevant as it is related to the establishment of relationship T= Time=-specific- It is time specific because it will take 3 hours time Risk management skills Risk evaluation in emergency in healthcare Paper Pen Laptop Internet access The session was for understanding the risk assessment in nursing. Helped to grow relationship with the mentee by effective involvement Discussion of the mentor-mentee relationship The mentor-mentee relationship was established within the mentor and mentee. The mentor guided the mentee in every aspect with the assessment of the performance at each level with the provision of good care (Leshem, 2012). The nursing related learning is very important to be effective, as it is related to human benefits, and analyzing the risks in health care performance is a crucial area to be learned properly. Therefore, a good mentor-mentee relationship will increase the understanding within both, thereby increasing the efficiency of guidance and performance of the mentee. The learner being a mentor provided the moral support to the mentee via good interaction. The mentor used the traditional mentoring style as it is a relationship within two individuals. Evaluation of the relationship The evaluation of the relationship is important for enhancing the effectiveness of the relation. For this purpose, assessments have done while working together. The relation was good as the mentor used the assertive and manipulative style for communicating and the mentee was a Q letter people as per the criteria of TQGC, therefore, good in relationship building, he is gentle enough to make it sure no argument with the mentor will hamper the transparency of the relationship (Fowler et al. 2009). The mentor provided excellent guide and motivation to the mentee to achieve success. Self reflection The mentor used the traditional mentoring style, and it is effective in this case. It is effective for providing knowledge to an individual by an expert and the relationship seems to be long-term in comparison to the others. This style supported the educational and carrier growth of the mentee. Benefits of providing feedback to mentee Providing constructive feedbacks after analyzing the performance of the mentee would help the mentee to provide performance that is more effective (Milner and Bossers, 2014). The weak points highlighted in the feedback provided by the mentee will help in understanding the areas, where the mentee should give more effort to make better performance, with a constructive mind. The positive feedback provided by the mentor will motivate mentee to give effort in more research work for the particular topic. The feedback will help the mentee to analyze the risks and limitations of the work and will give moral support (Prytys, 2014). Communication styles in the mentor-mentee relationship There are five types of communication styles used by people. These include the assertive style, aggressive style, passive-aggressive style, manipulative type and submissive style (Marshall et al 2013). Within these five tasks the learner as a mentor used two types of communication styles while playing the role of mentor, one is assertive and another one is manipulative. The assertive communication style includes the positive behavior towards the mentee. This is the most effective communication style, adopting this communication style, one can be self-esteem. His communication style helped the learner to guide the mentee without making him to feel down, not to push anyone (Vijayavalsalan, 2012). It helped in building a good relationship within the mentor and mentee, with good understanding. Sometimes, the learner being a mentor used the manipulative communication style, while making him understand about some important topic related to the task. This learning style is useful for influe ncing someone (Rogers, 2012). With the help of this communication style, the learner influenced and promoted the development of mentees knowledge regarding the nursing lesions, which helped him to perform better. Therefore, this style is useful in some perspectives (Straus et al. 2012). Conclusion In conclusion, it can be said that, the learner has successfully established a mentor-mentee relationship with the mentee and evaluated the progress of the mentee. The learner here also summarizes the sessions held within them. The learner also evaluated the effective mentoring style as well as the communication style. The learner evaluated the effectiveness of these styles in this assignment. References Florczak, K., Collins, E. and Schmidt, L. (2014). The Mentor-Mentee Relationship: An Intricate Dance. Nursing Science Quarterly, 27(2), pp.103-107. Fowler, J., Gudmundsson, A. and Gorman, J. (2009). The relationship between menteeƃ‚ mentor gender combination and the provision of distinct mentoring functions. Women in Management Review, 22(8), pp.666-681. Garcia, J. (2015). The Importance of the Mentor-Mentee Relationship in Women's Desistance From Destructive Behaviors. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Leshem, S. (2012). The Many Faces of Mentor-Mentee Relationships in a Pre-Service Teacher Education Programme. Creative Education, 03(04), pp.413-421. Marshall, J., Lawrence, E. and Peugh, J. (2013). College Women Mentoring Adolescent Girls: The Relationship between Mentor Peer Support and Mentee Outcomes. Mentoring Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 21(4), pp.444-462. Milner, T. and Bossers, A. (2014). Evaluation of the mentormentee relationship in an occupational therapy mentorship programme. Occup. Ther. Int., 11(2), pp.96-111. Prytys, K., M. (2014). Youth mentoring. Rogers, R. (2012). Leadership communication styles: a descriptive analysis of health care professionals. Journal of Healthcare Leadership, p.47. Straus, S., Chatur, F. and Taylor, M. (2009). Issues in the Mentor Mentee Relationship in Academic Medicine: A Qualitative Study. Academic Medicine, 84(1), pp.135-139. Vijayavalsalan, B. (2012). Verbal Non-Verbal Intercultural Communication Styles Influence on Learning. GRA, 3(5), pp.52-55.

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