Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Conflict Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conflict Resolution - Essay Example Conflicts between employees, small groups of employees, or employee unions and employers are manageable because of existence of recognized frameworks that each party can resort to for resolution. Conflicts however threatens an organization’s sustainability when none of the involved parties are willing to be involved in a resolution and existing resolution frameworks are perceived to be incredible. Such was the conflict situation that I experienced in one of my former work environments. The organization had a strong internal workers organization that served both as a union and as a welfare organization. This identified diversified interest from both employees and the organization’s management. Politics among employees led to polarized alignment with two major opposing groups as the union headed for its elections. Incumbent union leaders were seeking reelection but their main rivals had accused them of working with the management to embezzle union funds and undermine empl oyees’ rights. The political environment became more polarized as rumors spread that the organization’s management was planning to influence elections results in order to retain the incumbent office. An unidentified group, in masks, then invaded the pooling station, disrupted counting of votes, and physically abused electoral officials. A massive protest then followed this on claims that the management had interfered with the election results to favor the incumbent office. The opposing group of aspirants then mobilized employees to sabotage work and threatened violence and destruction of the organization’s property if the management failed to either recognize them as leaders, or organized for fresh elections that had to be free and fair. Cause of the conflict The problem in the case was a conflict between the organization’s management and the employees’ fraternity who believed that the organization was misusing its powers to retain a weak leadershi p that it could continue manipulating in order to exploit employees. The problem identifies a conflict involving three groups in the organization. Employees did not like the way their leadership was managed and the relationship between their incumbent leaders and the organization’s management. This difference in management of the union developed a disagreement between a large percentage of employees on one side, and the management and the incumbent leaders on the other sides with support from some employees who were accused of being beneficiaries of the management’s influence, or of being cowardice. This difference polarized the political environment into the elections and was therefore a cause of the resultant conflict between the employees who sabotaged the organization’s operations, and the management. Perceived management’s direct involvement in interfering with the election results is another identifiable cause of the conflict. The organized demonstr ation was, however, the immediate cause of the conflict that involved a disagreement between the administration and employees. Employees accused the organization’s management of exploiting them and using their leaders to suppress their possible opposition, and demanded that their choice leaders be given an opportunity, and the management stops oppressing them. Approach to resolving the conflict The management, of which I was part, applied an authoritarian approach to resolvi

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Cause of Sept 11 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Cause of Sept 11 - Research Paper Example On September 11, 2001, two planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center building in New York City while another plane hit the Pentagon in Washington, DC. The iconic building collapsed in less than two hours causing a fatality of nearly 3,000 people. This tragedy is the most lethal form of terrorism to have been carried out in modern times and will probably never be forgotten in American history. Government agencies and security experts have immediately assessed the rationale for the attack. In this regard, the essay aims to proffer the causes of the September 11, 2011 incident that shocked the world and millions of Americans whose lives have been drastically changed by it. Causes of the 9/11 Attack In retrospect, contemporary generation asks the relevant question: what led to 9/11 in the first place? There have been diverse theories on the rationale for the attack. One traced the root cause from America being a superpower and the icon of Western world and was ther efore the best target for the Islamists to carry out their attack. Head (2011) agrees that probably America lacked a strong representative of Islam – of the order of say Malcolm X – who would have given the US a human face, making the American people much harder to be demonized by the likes of al-Qaeda. Auster (2003) cited various explanations, to wit: â€Å"some blamed America's rejection of the Kyoto accords (a favorite charge among globalists), some blamed our failure to help alleviate Third-World hunger (a favorite among Episcopalians), some blamed our friendship with Israel (a favorite in some precincts of the right as well as the left). The real explanation had been lurking in the background all this while, but had never, to my knowledge, been proffered before now: America was attacked because of its racism† (Auster, 2003, par. 1). On the contrary, Levingston (2010) disagrees with the common notion that Western interference was the cause of 9/11. He ar gues that 9/11 was the result of a clash of Arab civilizations that simply used America as one of its venues. Levingston (2010) argues that the Arab world’s political culture has no mechanism for either sharing power or transmitting political authority from one governing body to another except through inheritance, coup or conquest and that we just happened to be at that stage that different groups are fighting to take over the leadership in the Middle East. The official comprehensive report compiled and published by the National Commission on Terrorist Attack Upon the United States entitled The 9/11 Commission Report under the section The Foundation of the New Terrorism indicated that Usama Bin Laden, together with a fugitive Egyptian physician, Ayman al Zawahiri, proposed a Declaration of War against the United States: â€Å"claiming that America had declared war against God and his messenger, they called for the murder of any American, anywhere on earth, as the ‘in dividual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it’† (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, 2004, p.47). There were even conspiracy theories that emerged stating that the cause of the 9/11 attack was actually â€Å"planned and executed by federal officials in order to provide the U.S. with a pretext for going to war in the Middle East and, by extension, as a means of consolidating and extending the power of