Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Different Aspects Of Organizational Perception Essay

As the marketplace has grown and competition has increased, organizations have become more holistic organisms. External operations, like public relations, marketing, and strategic planning, and internal operations, such as human resources, production, and accounting, use to be distinct entities. In current day organizations, however, these entities have been forced to work together as customer service has become the emphasis of an organization. External and internal operations are now blended, which has brought about a need to combine marketing studies with organizational theory (Hatch Schultz, 1997). This marriage between marketing theory and organizational theory has sparked an interest in image, identity, and reputation management. Each of theses three concepts offers a unique perspective on different aspects of organizational perception, but each concept also influences the other. It is the goal of this paper to examine the concepts and how they relate to the sport management fi eld. First, key ideas in each of the three concepts will be explored and their relationship to sport. Next, the interrelationships between the concepts will be examined. Finally, the strengths and weakness of image, identity, and reputation literature will be considered in addition to suggestions for future research. Image The explanation of image has evolved over the years and taken on different meanings depending on the perspective of literature scholars have taken. Gotsi and WilsonShow MoreRelatedAttitude, Personality, Perception965 Words   |  4 Pagesto develop organizational activities. Personality, attitude, and perception of people, there is no doubt, can be principally viewed as the determinants of which understand people’s behavior and create effective and efficient work groups. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Sustainability of The Global Food System - 1104 Words

In order for us to maintain our lives, we need to consume food to supply nutrient-needs for our bodies. As the global population increased, the demand for food also increased. Increased population led to mass production of foods. However, even with this mass production, in under-developed countries, people are still undernourished. On other hand, in developed and developing countries, people are overfed and suffering from obesity. In addition, the current methods of industrial farming destroy the environment. These problems raised a question to our global food system. Will it be able to sustain our increasing global population and the earth? With this question in my mind, I decided to investigate the sustainability of our current global†¦show more content†¦In addition the current method of monoculturing one crop can decrease the productivity of the soil and can lead to erosion of soil. These soil problems are crucial for farmers because the land is their important asset (Wi lson, 2008). Above problems are all concerned with the sustainability of our global food system. What is sustainability of food system? It means that the food system can produce food demand for our current population without compromising the ability of the food system and conserve and protect natural resources for our future generation (Knox and Martson, 2013, p266-298). Like our ancestors did, we need to think of our future generations. We need to conserve the resources for the future generations can have something to build upon on their own. The sustainability can be measured with population, consumption, technology, and maintaining natural capital. According to Deumling, these four factors can determine and develop the sustainability of the food system. First, one of the most cost-effective and humane opportunities for sustainability is to make safe, effective, and affordable family planning. Second, Consumers could chose locally grown food, food grown at a scale of appropriate t o the area with minimal ecological disruption, and grown under healthy working conditions. Third,Show MoreRelatedClimate Change And Its Impacts On The Environment935 Words   |  4 Pagesthe issues of climate change. Majority of environmental as well as social scientist that cares about the world defines climate change as the primary source of global risk since it could have severe impacts on the future generations. In addition, the general meaning of the term ‘climate change’ is defined as the change in regional or global climate patterns and it is mainly caused by human activities such as deforestation and emission of harmful gases that pollutes the environment. The future generationsRead MoreSpecies Extinction And Habitat Destruction Have A Negative1039 Words   |  5 Pagesimpact on sustainable food systems, making this a very unspoken yet important issue. 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Mother Nature has provided us with natural resources and the habitat for all species toRead MoreAnalysis Of Dale ( 2001 ) Looks At Sustainable Development Through Three Main Lenses1728 Words   |  7 Pagesthrough three main lenses: ecological, social, and economic. She asserts that each lens is different, but equal in importance to make a more sustainable future (Dale, 2001). Although this book was written in the context of both Canada and the larger global society, I feel that Dale’s (2001) lessons are relevant to the United States, and are worth sharing for this book report project. Further, based on the examples of cities we have studied so far in Green Government Initiatives, it seems as though manyRead MoreThe Ethical And Moral Task Of The United States Ammunition Stockpiling Within Gun Owners917 Words   |  4 Pagespolitical) in the Unites States and model similar conditions globally. 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Bea Perez, Chief Sustainability Officer, The Coca-Cola Company believes that the health of the Coca Cola Company and the healthRead MoreKrogers Csr : The Evolving Practices Around Corporate Social Responsibility1417 Words   |  6 Pagesacross their stakeholders, with shareholders being only one of the many stakeholders. This paper analyzes the 74th ranked 2014 Fortune Global 500 Company Kroger. Kroger started in 1883 as a local Cincinnati, Ohio grocery store, and has expended to be the second largest retail grocery store in the United States, and fifth largest in the world, owning retail food and drug stores, jewelry stores, and convenience store s in the United States (Kroger, 2015). Kroger remains headquartered in Ohio. An

Monday, December 9, 2019

League Of Nations Essay Example For Students

League Of Nations Essay The Versaille Treaty, an agreement for peaceful terms among the warringnations of World War I, was extinguished by the insatiable desires of allparties involved. Woodrow Wilson, an inflexible, idealistic, righteous Presidentwas up against the vengeful Allies. Each with their own imperialistic views,conflicted as peace negotiations began. Wilson wanting to make the world safefor Democracy swooped into Paris to negotiate his Fourteen Points, leavingthe Republicans impotent state back in the United States. Thus, Wilsons ideasfaced great opposition by the Big Business Republican Party fearful he was goingto run for reelection and by the Allies whom were looking to occupy Germanterritory. It became apparent that the Allies were far more concerned withimperialism than the idealism Wilson pushed for in the League of Nations. ThisLeague leads to the basic understanding to the failure of the Versaille Treaty. The League of Nations faced great resistance first by the Allies and later theRepublicans, which led to the Wilson -Lodge feud, the ultimate cause ofdestruction. Woodrow Wilson was thought to have a Messiah complex due to hisdesire to dictate peace and his unwillingness to compromise. At the end of WorldWar I he compiled Fourteen Points, ultimately as propaganda. His main goal wasto make the world safe for Democracy, in other words, extend Americaspower and ideals through foreign nations. Of these Fourteen Points the mostimportant was the League of Nations, an attempt to reorder the world. However, agreat opponent of this Wilsonian League was Henry Cabot Lodge, aRepublican opponent. Ultimately, many of the obstacles Wilson faced could havebeen over come had he publicly admitted he was not running for reelection oncehis prominence grew if the League was authorized. He also would have avoideddefeat if he had been more willing to compromise with the republicans and addedon a few revisio ns. Once the treaty was fabricated it met Republican opposition. In 1918 Wilson had appealed for a Democratic Congress to support his policy,however, due to issues at home the voters did the opposite. With Republicans inControl of both houses opposition was immense. Once the Senate denied theLeague, Wilson returned to Paris for modifications, but once again he facedresistance. France was looking to obtain the German Rhineland; likewise Franceand Japan were looking to gain territory. The outcome was the sacrifice of manyof Wilsons Fourteen Points to establish a stronghold for the League ofNation. However, the modified treaty was undermined by the return of soldierswhen it was apparent that wartime idealism had plummeted and the war fordemocracy had failed seeing that the Allies greedy Imperialists. Theillibreals, foreign groups and anti-British all had different views of thetreaty, but ultimately it didnt matter because it only brought more attentionto an immerging problem. Republicans felt they had the right to revise thetreaty when it returned fr om Paris because they had had no representative in atPeace Conference in France due to Wilson and also because their soldiers hadfought in the war. This sort of division was what defeated the Treaty, Americansoldiers had not fought, Republican and Democrat soldiers had. Thus Lodgedelayed the treaty by holding hearings in which foreign representatives sightedtheir objections to the pact. Lodge then began to tact reservations on thetreaty. However not all approved, many mild reservationists felt that Lodgesreservation were too strong. They could have been persuaded by the Wilson tojoin the Democratic side, but he didnt defer to them. In an attempt to fightLodges reservations, Wilson toured across the country, however this is whatbrought the ultimate demise of the Versaille Treaty. After a powerful speech onthe behalf of the League of Nations, Wilson suffered a stroke. With no Leader inthe Senate to replace him, Lodge had control. Once Wilson was even capable ofmaking decisions, he ref used to compromise his beliefs to Lodge. However, publicopinion still favored the treaty (with some reservations) and when the Senatevoted it down, they were forced to revote by the public. Lodge then entered intosecret negotiations with the Democrats, which landed him in an accusation oftreachery, and Lodge eventually dropped these negotiations. Wilson then directedhis democratic following to reject the treaty, but they felt the pact could nolonger be ratified, thus many vote in favor of it. The public never being ableto directly express their views of the treaty gained the opportunity whenHarding ran for president, whom was anti-League. This outcome was the end all tothe Varsaille Treaty. Ultimately, many factors led to the demise of theVersialle Treaty. Had Wilson not been so hard headed and willing to compromisethe treaty might have survived. Had he involved the Republicans in the originalpeace conference the treaty may have serviced and Lodge may have not pushed himinto a corne r. With two different concerns, Wilsons being the League ofNations and Lodges being and avoidance of division within the RepublicanParty, the two refused to negotiate with each other. And ultimately Republicanshad little to gain through a Democratic treaty, designed to make the worldsafe for Democracy. Wilsons stroke intensified the odds against the treatyand with the public still in favor of isolation its failure was inevitable.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Matthew Nestasia Essays - Hiking Equipment, Bags, Human Behavior

Matthew Nestasia Backpacking I learned about the different styles of backpacks you can bring on a camping trip. First is the external frame pack, this mostly provides more options for organization as well as carrying oversized loads. For example you would use this style of backpack when you plan on going out for more than a weekend trip. I personally used one during my seven day trek in the Adirondacks. Next up was the internal frame packs; they're designed for more balance in the user. This is one of the more common packs that are used; one thing the internal frames do lack is air ventilation to the back so odds are you will become sweaty faster while on your hike. Finally are the daypacks, daypacks are used for a short day hike like the one our class is going on in April. They're used for carrying small but necessary items around while on a hike, for example a first aid kit, a snack bar, water, and a rain poncho. Aside from the different types of packs I also learned it is important to know how t o purchase a pack and adjust it to your size. The size of your pack is measured by the length of your spine and from there the pack its self can be adjusted more to fit the users comforts. What's also important is how much room is inside of the pack, most backpacks say on the outside the amount of space is inside or how much sp ace can be taken up by clothing. In conclusion knowing how to buy the right type of pack is very important to preparing for your camping trip. The most important part of the whole process is finding what fits your needs as well as, what is comfortable for you to wear.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Figure Out if You Can Patent Your Idea

How to Figure Out if You Can Patent Your Idea A  patent  is a set of  exclusive rights  granted to an inventor for a limited period of time in exchange for detailed public disclosure of an  invention. An invention is a solution to a specific technological problem and is a product or a process. The procedure for granting patents, requirements placed on the patentee, and the extent of the exclusive rights vary widely between countries according to national laws and international agreements. Typically, however, a granted patent application must include one or more  claims  that define the invention. A patent may include many claims, each of which defines a specific property right. These claims must meet relevant  patentability  requirements, such as  novelty,  usefulness, and  non-obviousness. The exclusive right granted to a patentee in most countries is the right to prevent others, or at least to try to prevent others, from commercially making, using, selling, importing or distributing a patented invention without permission. Under the  World Trade Organizations (WTO)  Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, patents should be available in WTO member states for any invention, in all fields of technology, and the term of protection  available should be a minimum of 20  years.  Nevertheless, there are variations on what is  patentable subject matter  from country to country. Is Your Idea  Patentable? To see if your idea is patentable: First, check to see if your idea qualifies.Second, learn the basics of the patenting process.Next, do a search for of all previous public disclosures that concern your invention. These public disclosures are called prior art. Prior art includes any patents related to your invention, any published articles about your invention, and any public demonstrations. This determines if your idea has been patented before or publicly disclosed, making it unpatentable. A registered patent attorney or agent can be hired to do a patentability search for prior art, and a big part of that is searching for U.S. and foreign patents that compete with your invention. After an application is filed, the USPTO will conduct their own patentability search as part of the official examination process. Patent Searching Conducting a thorough patent search is difficult, particularly for the novice. Patent searching is a learned skill. A novice in the United States could contact the nearest Patent and Trademark Depository Library (PTDL) and seek out search experts to help in setting up a search strategy. If you are in the Washington, D.C. area, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) provides public access to collections of patents, trademarks, and other documents at its Search Facilities located in Arlington, Virginia. It is possible, however difficult, for you to conduct your own patent search. You should not assume that your idea has not been patented even if you find no evidence of it being publicly disclosed. It is important to remember that a thorough examination at the USPTO may uncover U.S. and foreign patents as well as non-patent literature.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Biography of Canadian Civil Rights Icon Viola Desmond

Biography of Canadian Civil Rights Icon Viola Desmond She’s long been compared to Rosa Parks, and  now late civil rights pioneer Viola Desmond will appear on Canada’s $10 banknote. Known for refusing to sit in the segregated section of a movie theater, Desmond will grace  the note, starting in 2018. She will replace Canada’s first prime minister, John A. Macdonald, who will be featured on a higher-value bill instead. Desmond was chosen to appear on the currency after the Bank of Canada  requested submissions for iconic Canadian women to be featured on the bill. News that she was selected came several months after the announcement  that slave-turned-abolitionist Harriet Tubman would appear on the $20 bill in the United States. â€Å"Today is about recognizing the incalculable contribution that all women have had and continue to have in shaping Canada’s story,† Canadian Minister of Finance Bill Morneau said of Desmond’s selection in December 2016. â€Å"Viola Desmond’s own story reminds all of us that big change can start with moments of dignity and bravery. She represents courage, strength and determination- qualities we should all aspire to every day.† It was a long road to get Desmond on the bill. The Bank of Canada received 26,000 nominations and eventually cut that number down to just five finalists. Desmond edged out Mohawk poet E. Pauline Johnson, engineer Elizabeth MacGill, runner Fanny Rosenfeld and suffragette Idola Saint-Jean. But Americans and Canadians alike have admitted they knew little about the race relations pioneer before the landmark decision to feature her on Canadian currency. When Desmond beat out the competition, however, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called her selection a â€Å"fantastic choice.† He described Desmond as a â€Å"businesswoman, community leader, and courageous fighter against racism.† So, why were her contributions to society so important that she will be immortalized on the nation’s currency? Get acquainted with Desmond with this biography. A Pioneer Who Gave Back Desmond was born Viola Irene Davis on July 6, 1914, in Halifax,  Nova Scotia. She grew up middle class, and her parents, James Albert and Gwendolin Irene Davis, were highly involved in Halifax’s black community.   When she came of age, Desmond initially pursued a teaching career. But as a child, Desmond developed an interest in cosmetology due to the dearth of black haircare products available in her area. The fact that her father worked as a barber must have inspired her as well.   Halifax’s beauty schools were off limits to black women, so Desmond traveled to Montreal to attend the  Field Beauty Culture School, one of the rare institutions that accepted black students. She also traveled  to  the United States to get the expertise she sought. She even trained with Madam  C.J. Walker, who became a millionaire for pioneering beauty treatments and products for African Americans. Desmond’s tenacity paid off when she received a diploma from Apex College of Beauty Culture and Hairdressing in Atlantic City, N.J. When Desmond received the training she needed, she opened a salon of her own, Vi’s Studio of Beauty Culture in Halifax, in 1937. She also opened up a beauty school, Desmond School of Beauty Culture, because she didn’t want other black women to have to endure the hurdles she had to receive training. Roughly 15 women graduated from her school each year, and they left equipped with the know-how to open their own salons and provide work for black women in their communities, as Desmond’s students came from throughout Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. Like Desmond had, these women had been rejected from all-white beauty schools. Following in the footsteps of Madam  C.J. Walker, Desmond also launched a beauty line called Vis Beauty Products. Desmond’s love life overlapped with her professional aspirations. She and her husband, Jack Desmond, launched a hybrid barbershop and beauty salon together.    Taking a Stand Nine years before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Ala., bus to a white man, Desmond refused to sit in the black section of a movie theater in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. She took the stand that would make her a hero in the black community after her car broke down on Nov. 8, 1946, during a trip she took to sell beauty products. Informed that fixing her car would take a day because the parts to do so weren’t readily available, Desmond decided to see a film called â€Å"The Dark Mirror† at New Glasgow’s Roseland Film Theatre. She purchased a ticket at the box office, but when she entered the theater, the usher told her that she had a balcony ticket, not a ticket for the main floor. So, Desmond, who was nearsighted and needed to sit downstairs to see,  went back to the ticket booth to correct the situation. There, the cashier said she wasnt allowed to sell downstairs tickets to blacks. The black businesswoman refused to sit in the balcony and returned to the main floor. There, she was roughly forced out of her seat, arrested and held overnight in jail. Because it cost 1 cent more for a main floor ticket than for a balcony ticket, Desmond was charged with tax evasion. For the offense, she paid a $20 fine and $6 in court fees to be released from custody.    When she arrived home, her husband advised her to drop the matter, but the leaders at her place of worship, Cornwallis Street Baptist Church, urged her to fight for her rights. The Nova Scotia Association for the Advancement of Coloured People offered its support as well, and Desmond hired a lawyer, Frederick Bissett, to represent her in court. The lawsuit he filed against Roseland Theatre proved unsuccessful  because Bissett argued his client was wrongfully accused of tax evasion instead of pointing out that she was discriminated against based on race. Unlike the United States, Jim Crow wasn’t the law of the land in Canada. So, Bissett may have triumphed had he pointed out that this private movie theater attempted to enforce segregated seating. But just because Canada lacked  Jim Crow didn’t mean blacks there eluded racism, which is why Afua Cooper, black Canadian studies professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax, told Al Jazeera that Desmond’s case should be viewed through a Canadian lens. â€Å"I think its about time Canada recognizes its black citizens, people who have suffered,† Cooper said. Canada has its own homegrown racism, anti-black racism, and anti-African racism that it has to deal with without comparing it to the US. We live here. We don’t live in America. Desmond lived in Canada.   The court case marked the first known legal challenge to segregation presented by a black woman in Canada, according to the Bank of Canada. Although Desmond lost, her efforts inspired black Nova Scotians to demand equal treatment and put a spotlight on racial injustice in Canada. Justice Delayed Desmond didn’t see justice in her lifetime. For fighting racial discrimination, she received a great deal of negative attention. This likely put a strain on her marriage, which ended in divorce.  Desmond eventually relocated to Montreal to attend business school. She later moved to New York, where she died alone of a gastrointestinal hemorrhage on Feb. 7, 1965, at age 50. This courageous woman wasn’t vindicated until April 14, 2010, when the lieutenant governor of Nova Scotia issued an official pardon. The pardon recognized that the conviction was wrongful, and Nova Scotia government officials apologized for Desmond’s treatment. Two years later, Desmond was featured on a  Canadian Post stamp. The beauty entrepreneur’s sister, Wanda Robson, has been a consistent advocate for her  and even wrote a book about Desmond called â€Å"Sister to Courage.† When Desmond was chosen to grace Canada’s $10 bill, Robson said, â€Å"It’s a big day to have a woman on a banknote, but it’s an especially big day to have your big sister on a banknote. Our family is extremely proud and honored.† In addition to Robson’s book, Desmond has been featured in the childrens book â€Å"Viola Desmond Wont Be Budged.† Also, Faith Nolan recorded a song about her. But Davis is not the only civil rights pioneer to be the subject of a recording. Stevie Wonder and rap group Outkast have recorded songs about Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, respectively. A documentary about Desmonds life, â€Å"Journey to Justice,† debuted in 2000. Fifteen years later,  the government recognized the inaugural Nova Scotia Heritage Day in Desmonds  honor. In 2016, the businesswoman was  featured in a Historica Canada Heritage Minute, a quick dramatized look  at key events in Canadian history. Actress  Kandyse McClure starred as Desmond.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

No topic(just answer the question) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

No topic(just answer the question) - Case Study Example At the same time, this option will ensure marriage minded individuals are not undermine by providing them with a platform that lacked previously. This group of individuals are often neglected by many players in the industry eHarmony operates and this makes it a lucrative path. Through the option, eHarmony will be able to market itself more and ensure more growth. The option will also ensure more growth for the company and will be in line with eHarmony investment in research. The final reason, why the option should be given a consideration, is that it provides viable avenues for various differentiations for eHarmony. The company operates in a rather dynamic and competitive industry and these forms the root for constraints and challenges associated with recommended option two. Option two faces challenge of competition. Being that eHarmony company also competes with Yahoo! Personals that attract significant individuals losing customers to them may be possible. Finally, if the strategy such as matching algorithm is not fully implemented, eHarmony may lose significantly on section of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Obama Rally on November 4th Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Obama Rally on November 4th - Essay Example For sure, the likes of this campaign are such that they will probably never be repeated in history. Over $600 million dollars was spent by President-Elect Obama in his bid for the White House. However, his decision not to take public financing paid off. The fact that he counted on three million donors who gave an average of $86 dollars, mainly on the Internet-accounted for most of his war chest. This allowed him to outspend his rival, Sen. John McCain. In doing so, he was able to be more competitive in traditionally Republican-voting "red" states such as Florida, Virginia, Indiana, and North Carolina, Colorado, and New Mexico-which Obama won handily. The other, but more important historical factor of note is that we will have, for the first time in the history of our nation, an African-American President. This is significant for a number of reasons. The struggle that many black leaders have encountered over the years in the Civil Rights Movement, and the sacrifices that some gave wit h their lives, including Dr. King, Jr., and Medgar Evers, for example-are testaments to the many difficulties that African-Americans have suffered through the years, for the right to vote, for the rights to live in a desegregated society, and the right to live lives of dignity within their own communities. President-Elect Obama's speech encapsulated a heaviness as well, as it was a somber speech.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Media in Goa Essay Example for Free

Media in Goa Essay I can proudly say that I was the first television journalist to start work from Goa, till then Channels from Mumbai Delhi only sent their camera team and reporters for any major news event happening here. A decade later today its great that we have a number of local television channels and a 12 hour news channel as well. In that regard Goa Newsline was our first major step towards setting up of this industry in Goa. After 2 years of Newsline a number of other channels had jumped into the news making fray and the rest as you all know is there for all of us to see. I completed my Masters Degree in Communication studies from the Department of Communcation Studies University of Pune as there was no Journalism related course in Goa then. After that I interned with Zee News Noida and underwent practical training in Electronic News Media . Thereafter I joined Asian News International (ANI) and joined them as a Correspondent Camera-person for the state of Goa. Thereafter I joined Aaj Tak and worked for them as their Goa Correspondent, My father Mr. Waman Prabhu is also a journalist and was in the print media. As the electronic media fever caught up he joined Zee News as Goa Correspondent and together we covered Goa in all its splendour for these national channels. In this entire process there was a feeling that Goa was not being given due coverage on National TV and all the snippets that were shown of Goan Festivals and Events were not doing justice to the actual event. There was so much that was happening in Goa yet the national channels were just not interested. All that mattered to them was the Goan Carnival Christmas and New Year in Goa. And we all know that there’s so much more that the rest of the country needs to know about Goa. That was the time when the thought of a Goa News Channel crossed our minds and we both along with my younger brother Pravesh went ahead with a Goa News Channel. It was a tough exercise. Covering Goa for national channels was completely different.. for a local news channel the same had to be done in a local perspective. We started with a half an hour news bulletin which covered all aspects of the state the political,social,religious and sports aspect of Goa. It was Feb 2002 Goa Newsline was a valentine gift to the people of Goa. Because till then they could only rely on the erratic Doordarshan round up of events which happened every week. When we started Newsline we opted for Konkani as our news language because it was a language tht could connect us to the people of Goa. It was sheer hard work because our effort was to deliver todays news today-all over Goa. We wanted the people could watch the news at home before they read it on the papers the next day,that was the USP of our news. We dealt with time constraints as there was no highend editing software at that time with us. But yet we managed fine all the morning/ afternoon events were incorporated in our news bulletin. Yet another hurdle that we faced was initially people were reluctant to air their views on Camera, the concept looked good on national tv but it was difficult to accept it initially. Politicians too hesitated over how and what they spoke on local tv but gradually the transformation took place And once the news began there was a flood of appreciation that motivated us to perform better. We had no high end machinery and no spacious studio. Yet we had to deliver CD’s to over 23-24 locations everyday at a given time and the manpower—just the three of us. My father wrote the newsscript, Pravesh did the shoot and edit on camera and I read the news and pitched in for the filming of events as well. It was an effort that met with a lot of praise and also its share of criticism. I am glad that happened then as we complete ten years of Newsline this February. Goa Newsline was what everybody living here needed because audio visual media has its own power –the power of delivering an event happening in some place of Goa that you can relate to right in your home. It was a novelty in the beginning and we had endless lists of people who wanted us to cover their events -some interesting some trivial. It wont be wrong to state that Goa Newsline started the chapter of Electronic TV Journalsim in Goa and that it continues to have a loyal viewership in this day and age of Direct Transmission to Homes like Dish TV etc. It’s a challenge now to maintain the erratic cable connections when you have a no hassle set top box installed on your tv providing you crystal clear transmission but people here have still maintained their cable connectitons nly to watch the news programmes that are aired on these cable channels. So in a way it is also right that the cable industry in Goa is surviving on the hefty fees that these channels pay them and the connections which have not yet been replaced by Dish TV for the sake of Goan News updates. I feel the cable network industry should in turn protect the interest of the news channels in order to strengthen the chances of their survival.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sojourner Truth :: Free Essay Writer

Sojourner Truth Sojourner Truth was born a slave named Isabella Baumfree sometime in 1797 in Ulster county, New York. The exact date of her birth is to this day unknown, but it is believed to have been sometime during the fall. She developed her characteristics of courage and dependability from her mother, Mau Mau Bett, at an early age. Isabella was first owned by a Dutch named Charles, who was happened to be a decent slave owner. At his death, she was separated from her mother and auctioned to another set of plantation owners, the Neelys. Isabella was highly mistreated here as they took their dislike of the Dutch community out on Isabella, who spoke hardly a word of English. She was bought and sold three times within the next twenty-four months, the final purchaser being a man named John Dumont for the incredibly low bargaining price of three hundred dollars. Dumont needed more slaves for his New York plantation. He always bragged that Isabella was the hardest working slave on the plantation. Seeing this, he forced her to marry a fellow slave known as Tom. Isabella gave birth to five children within the next five years. Two years before the emancipation act of 1828, in which all slaves within New York were freed, Dumont promised Isabella that if she were to work extra hard the next year, he would set her free a year early. She did just that; she was the even harder working already hardest working slave on the plantation. In her speeches, she spoke of the living conditions many slaves were forced to endure, crowded together into cabins with no privacy, overworked, fed scraps in many cases, and clothed raggedy scraps. Her audiences must have felt the shame as Truth recalled the auction block, upon which men and women alike were frequently forced to strip and stand before potential buyers, who would search their bodies for marks of the whip or of wrist or leg irons, the presence of which would indicate the slave had been frequently punished. The slaves would be forced to endure impersonal and degrading inspections of their teeth, muscles, and other body parts, depending on what the buyer was looking for in the purchase. When the time came, though, Dumont broke his promise. Isabella, realizing she had been tricked, escaped with her infant child in her arms in October of 1827 to the refuge of a Quaker family.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How does Russell make the audience sympathise with Shirley ? Essay

In this essay I will be exploring how Willy Russell, an author of the play â€Å"Shirley Valentine†, makes us sympathise with his main character. Willy Russell was a hairdresser, who lived in Liverpool. He felt unfulfilled in his life and wanted to become a writer. In his work, he met a lot of women, who shared their stories with him. That made him feel he understood many of them. But he was bored with his profession. Russell’s life experience is similar to Shirley’s. Just like himself, Shirley is lonely and unfulfilled in her life. She dreamed of going to Greece and sitting alone on the beach. Russell equally dreamed of something unattainable. They both are bored and disappointed with their everyday routine. Shirley, a middle aged woman, is disappointed because her husband treats her as a housewife and she does not have a life outside of the house. No one pays any attention to her and she feels underappreciated. Everyday life looks exactly the same. Russell uses a number of techniques to make us sympathise with Shirley. These include providing a social context for the play, flashbacks, language devices such as humour, dramatic monologues and voice-overs. The play is about a middle aged woman called Shirley Valentine. She is married to a man called Joe. When they newly was married they loved each other so very much, but after a few years her life became a routine of washing plates, dishes, cleaning and making food for her husband. In other words she became a housewife. Because she had nobody to talk, she is a Kitchen sink drama, it is about things around the house. Russel also used characters, dramatic devices and creative language to sympathise the audience with Shirley Valentine. In the opening scene we see first the film title track starts under a blue and white drawing of Shirley Valentine ironing. I think Willy chose the colour blue, because the colour blue suggest sadness and depression. Shirley’s life in the play is represent as sadness and depression. After that we see fifteen drawings of Shirley doing domestic works are never ending. None of the drawings show her having fun. Russel did this to show that her life is around her house. Then we see a drawing of a street of small semi-detached houses with small front gardens. This show where she lives. She turns in one of the houses and opens the front door. She closed the kitchen door and leans against it â€Å"Sighing† . This show she is fed up with her life maybe she is frustrated. â€Å"She talks to the wall† that shows she is lonely. She have nobody to talk with and it suggest she might going to be crazy. Russel uses the characters of Joe to make us sympathise with Shirley Valentine. He is Shirley Valentine’s husband. We sympathise with Shirley as Joe doesn’t show any love affections towards her. We can tell Shirley was happily married at the start, because she had fun with Joe. They was just newly married. â€Å"The are happily painting the kitchen†. This shows us that she was happy with her life. Joe was Romantic used to make her laugh. He told her that he love’s her, â€Å"I love you Shirley Valentine†. But now he is extremely changed. He is aggressive. This shows where he said he doesn’t care what Shirley is doing. That’s why Shirley take a decision to go too Greece. There she meet Costas. Costas is the opposite of Joe. He is Romantic and he listening to her, he made her feel warm and tells her how beautifull she is. â€Å"They are lovely because they are part of you and you are lovely. Joe never told her how beautifull she is Costas make her feel pretty and young.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Type 2 Diabetes

Living with Type 2 Diabetes Introduction Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. Hyperglycemia, or raised blood sugar, is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body's systems. No cure has been found for this disease. However, an important part of managing diabetes is maintaining a healthy weight through a healthy diet and exercise plan. Olokoba, Obateru, Olokoba, 2012) Type 1 diabetes (previously known as insulin-dependent, juvenile or childhood-onset) is characterized by deficient insulin production and requires daily administration of insulin. The cause of type 1 diabetes is not known and it is not preventable with current knowledge. Symptoms include excessive excretion of urine (polyuria), thirst (polydipsia), constant hunger (polyphagia), weight loss, vis ion changes, and fatigue. These symptoms may occur rapidly. Mosorovic, Brkic, Nuhbegovic, Pranjic, 2012) Type 2 diabetes (formerly called non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset) results from the body’s ineffective use of insulin. Type 2 diabetes comprises 90% of people with diabetes, and is largely the result of excess body weight and physical inactivity. Symptoms may be similar to those of Type 1 diabetes, but are often less obvious. As a result, the disease may be diagnosed several years after onset, once complications have already arisen. (Mosorovic, Brkic, Nuhbegovic, Pranjic, 2012) Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, affecting 25. million people of all ages (8. 3 percent of the U. S. population). Of the 25. 8 million affected people, 7. 0 remain undiagnosed. Diabetes is the leading cause of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, lower-limb amputations, and new cases of blindness among adults in the United States. (http://diabetes. niddk. ni h. gov) Meet Mrs. M, who was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the age of 35. Mrs. M is now 57 years old. She has learned that although there is no cure for type 2 diabetes, it can be managed. She is aware that in order to better manage this disease she needs to eat well, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight.Mrs. M has graciously agreed to be interviewed. We will learn more about her, how she copes with this disease, and her struggle in maintaining a healthy weight by incorporating healthy cooking in her lifestyle. I will use the five holistic variables within the Neuman Systems Model (NSM) to identify how Mrs. M’s internal and external environment are affected. I will also assess Mrs. M’s learning needs and provide a trustworthy and reliable resource from which she can benefit from. Physical Variable Mrs. M was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the age of 35 when she became pregnant with her last child.During a routine doctor’s visit, it was noticed Mrs. M w as gaining a significant amount of weight. Around her 24th week of pregnancy, the doctor ordered she have a glucose test. The test showed a high level of sugar in her blood. The test was repeated and once again, it showed that her glucose level was higher than normal and there was also sugar in her urine. At that point, the doctor diagnosed her with gestational diabetes. In 1990, the only thing that was prescribed was that she begin administering a daily injection of insulin. This came as a completely shock to Mrs. M. She had never even heard of this thing called â€Å"diabetes†.Even more disturbing was the fact that she, and her unborn baby, was now carrying this disease. The doctor advised Mrs. M that although the glucose could reach and affect her baby, the insulin would not cross over to the baby. She was pleased with the news that once she delivered the baby, she would return to her normal diabetic state. The doctor informed Mrs. M the importance of checking her blood gl ucose and maintaining a healthy diet after the birth. This would help to reduce her chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Despite the recommendations, Mrs. M ended up developing type 2 diabetes.For the past 22 years, Mrs. M has been living with this chronic disease. Her medication has been changed several times throughout the years. At the moment, she is taking Glucophage 500mg and 4 units of Humilin in the morning. From the last time Mrs. M was seen by her primary care physician, these were her results: she weighed 170 pounds, blood pressure was 122/78, average blood sugar was 125 mg/dL, average hemoglobin A1c test (HbA1c) average was 5. 98%, her cholesterol and triglyceride levels were within normal limits, her kidneys were working well, and no obvious sores or infections of her feet or skin.Her last optometry visit showed no problems with her vision. She knows dental exams and cleaning are important and makes sure to visit the dentist every six months. In assessing Mrs. Mâ€℠¢s physical variable, I determined that the lack of knowledge about diabetes as a major stressor. Mrs. M’s doctor visits have been a major resource. Socio-cultural Variable She is a traditional Mexican woman and her cooking or eating habits have never been a concern. She has always cooked traditional Mexican dishes, which are high in fat. She never learned to cook or eat healthy.It is a belief of Mrs. M that anything that is â€Å"low fat†, â€Å"nonfat†, or essentially â€Å"healthy† must not taste good. Mrs. M was recently laid off and is unemployed, leaving her with no insurance. She does not want to visit the doctor’s office because she says that it is too expensive. Not only does she have to pay for her medication, but also the doctor’s visit and the laboratory bill. This has given her motivation to try to lose weight. She does realize that if she loses weight, she could possibly be able to get off the medications she is on.At this poin t, she is walking on a daily basis but still finds it hard to start healthy eating habits. She would like to learn how to maintain a healthy diet that she and her family can benefit from. It is hard for her to break free from all the foods she has loved all her life. However, she realizes it is necessary to make this drastic change in order to help her lose the weight. In assessing Mrs. M’s social-cultural variable, I determined that the lack of insurance as a major stressor. Mrs. M’s motivation and willingness to lose weight are major resources. Psychological VariableJust like everyone else, Mrs. M has good days and bad days. On most days, she feels motivated and hopeful that she will be able to better control her diabetes and get off her medicine. She goes on daily walks and really enjoys it when her daughter goes with her. She says that when her daughter goes on these walks with her, it makes the time go by fast and she really enjoys the time they spend together. Th ese walks serve not only to lose weight but also as a distractor. Mrs. M uses this time to talk about her day and about life in general. However, there are days that are not so good for Mrs. M.There are days where she feels defeated and burned out by her diabetes. She feels like she is â€Å"old† now and her health is slowly declining. She has had this disease for so long now and doesn’t see any improvement. It has been a stagnant process for her and that really frustrates her. There are days when she gets angry that she can’t eat certain foods and that she has to take medications to be able lead a semi normal life. Some days, she feels like just giving up and letting God decide her faith. In assessing Mrs. M’s psychological variable, I determined her feeling of defeat is a major stressor. Mrs.M’s daily walks with her daughter are a major resource. Spiritual Variable Mrs. M is a devoted Catholic. She has complete faith in God, the Catholic Church, and the power of prayer. Mrs. M feels our whole universe isn’t controlled by human beings, but by God. Her life, past and future, lies solely in God’s hands. There is no question in her mind that there is an afterlife, where her soul and spirit will rise to and will go to a better place. She is not scared of death. She looks forward to the day when she will be at peace and free of worries and pain; a place where she will live eternally, full of happiness and joy.She anticipates the day when she can reunite with her father and be able to see him, talk to him, and hold him again. Mrs. M feels she has lived a gratifying and good life. She says she has been blessed to have had the opportunity to live and experience this thing we call â€Å"life†. She knows her disease has many health consequences and feels that if something happens to her, God made it happen for a reason. He controls her life and she is willing to accept what he has decided for her. In assessing Mrs . M’s spiritual variable, I determined that there is no stressor involved. Mrs.M’s faith in God is a major resource. Developmental Variable Stage of development Generativity vs. Stagnation is Erik Erikson’s second psychosocial development stage of adulthood and happens between the ages of 25-64. During this time, we establish our careers, settle down within a relationship, begin our own families and develop a sense of being a part of the bigger picture. We give back to society through raising our children, being productive at work, and becoming involved in community activities and organizations. By failing to achieve these objectives, we become stagnant nd feel unproductive. Mrs. M is in the Generativity stage. (Craven, Hirnle, 2009) Tasks of developmental stage Mrs. M is married with 4 grown children, and will celebrate her 36th wedding anniversary on December 14, 2012. Mrs. M was born in Jalisco, Mexico and moved to the United States when she was 21 years old. Her ideas and customs still remain traditional to the Mexican culture. Mrs. M was raised with the idea that family should come before everything, even herself. Mrs. M put her education on hold to be able to provide for her family, leaving her to work low paying jobs.She has worked her whole life to give her children the most and best she can. This has included working 12 to 14 hour shifts and then rushing home to make sure her kids had dinner and did their homework. She has always strived to keep her family happy, safe, and united. Her children are grown now and she maintains a good relationship with them. Now that her children are grown, she feels a sense of emptiness. She admits to feeling an overwhelming amount of sadness when thinking of how her house was once filled with her children’s laughter and now is so â€Å"empty†.There have been days when she feels she may be depressed. On these days she has to force herself to get out of bed and doesn’t feel like eating. She knows this is not good for her and affects her diabetes. She has noticed when she is feeling this way, her blood sugar drops. On the other hand, remembering all the precious times she has lived with her family brings a smile to her face. Mrs. M has always made her kids her number one priority and feels they have not let her down. Knowing that her kids are positive and productive members of society gives her a sense of accomplishment.She has a glow on her face every time she speaks of her kids. It makes her feel proud, loved, and special to know she has a family she can depend on, regardless of the situation. In assessing Mrs. M’s developmental variable, I determined that the depression she deals with is a major stressor. Mrs. M’s family is a major resource. Health Learning Needs After speaking with Mrs. M, her main concern is incorporating healthy meals and eating habits into her lifestyle. She feels cooking healthy is something she has always struggled wit h and would like to get more information as to how to cook healthy meals.Mrs. M has made it clear that she is a visual and hands on learner. She needs to †first see it and then do it† in order to better understand a task. Due to this information, I believe Mrs. M would benefit from a website that plays videos and has live demonstrations. Learning resource My recommendation to Mrs. M is that she visits the American Diabetes Association website at www. diabetes. org. This website has a lot of information that is helpful to anyone with type 2 diabetes. Mrs. M would benefit from the â€Å"Food and Fitness† tab.Under this tab she can find information on what type of foods she should be eating, healthy recipes, and helps in planning meals. There is also information about fitness and weight loss. There are great exercise ideas which will help Mrs. M get motivated to lose weight. This website offers live videos which will help with her visual learning need. Conclusion In summary, the NSM aims to promote a client’s optimal wellness. This model helps us see beyond just the objective clinical manifestations, which we are trained to observe. It helps us understand our clients on a whole new level, an interpersonal and holistic level.By completing an accurate NSM assessment, we see how culture, economic resources, spirituality, and family affect a client’s disease process. With the help of the NSM, I was able learn more about Mrs. M, assess her learning need, and provide a trustworthy and reliable resource from which she can benefit from. The www. diabetes. org website will teach her how she can maintain a healthy weight by incorporating healthy cooking in her lifestyle. References Olokoba, A. B. , Obateru, O. A. , ; Olokoba, L. B. (2012). Diabetes Mellitus: A Review of Current Trends. Oman Medical Journal, 27(4), 269-273. oi:10. 5001/omj. 2012. 68 Mosorovic, N. , Brkic, S. , Nuhbegovic, S. , ; Pranjic, N. (2012). Quality of life of people with Diabetes Mellitus. Healthmed, 6(7), 1076-1080. Demirbag, B. (2012). Neuman system model as a conceptual framework for community-based nurses when working with patients. Healthmed, 6(7), 2438-2445. Craven, R. F. , Hirnle, C. J. (2009). Fundamentals of Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC) (February 2011). Fast fact on Diabetes. Retrieved from http://diabetes. niddk. nih. gov/dm/pubs/statistics/#fast

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Assignment 3 Essay Example

Assignment 3 Essay Example Assignment 3 Essay Assignment 3 Essay Assignment 3: My Beliefs on Marriage November 13, 2011 I believe that Marriage is forever. It is a sacred thing and nothing should ever come between it. Marriage is not something to play with. For me, I was brought up believing marriage is forever. Each religion believes different things. I was brought up a catholic. So for me, once you get married its forever. When you say your vows you are not only stating them to your spouse, and in front of your family and friends, you are saying those vows and God knows it. So before you get married you should think about if you want it to be forever. I did. But my spouse I guess thought otherwise. We are currently separated. He let someone else control his thoughts on marriage. Like I said for me, itâ„ ¢s forever, and together you work through any problems. Others give up real easy. If this person that you marry was ever your soul mate, you would do whatever it takes to make things right. Some people that get married, donâ„ ¢t continue their journey with the lord and I think that is why so many marriages are failing. Most people would rather just give up than try. For me, if it means anything to you, what would you do to keep i t together Every person is different. Some people think marriage is just a title, for me itâ„ ¢s two becoming one, and working as one from that day forward. Marriage is supposed to be forever. These days people give up too easily and it doesnâ„ ¢t last forever.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The 100 Most Commonly Used Words in English

The 100 Most Commonly Used Words in English Listed here, according to the 100-million-word British National Corpus, are the 100 most commonly used words in English. Many of these words are function words: they glue pieces of sentences together into longer syntactic units.   Where needed, the part of speech is identified to distinguish different grammatical uses of the same word.   thebeofandain (preposition: in the old days)to (infinitive marker: to sing)haveitto (preposition: to the country)for (preposition: for you)Ithat (relative pronoun: the book that I read)youheon (preposition: on the beach)with (preposition: with pleasure)do (verb: I do)at (preposition: at school)by (preposition: by midnight)notthis (determiner: this page)butfrom (preposition: from home)theyhis (determiner: his job)that (determiner: that song)sheorwhich (determiner: which book)as (conjunction: as we agreed)weansay (verb: say a prayer)will (auxiliary verb: I will try)wouldcan (auxiliary verb: I can go)iftheirgo (verb: go now)what (determiner: what time)thereall (determiner: all people)get (verb: get busy)her (determiner: her job)make (verb: make money)whoas (preposition: as a child)out (adverb: go out)up (adverb: go up)see (verb: see the sky)know (verb: know a place)time (time: a time to laugh)take (verb: take a break)themsome (determiner: some money) couldso (adverb: I said so)himyearinto (preposition: into the room)itsthenthink (verb: think hard)mycome (verb: come early)thanmore (adverb: more quickly)about (preposition: about you)nowlast (adjective: last call)yourmeno (determiner: no time)other (adjective: other people)givejust (adverb: just try)shouldthese (determiner: these days)peoplealsowell (adverb: well written)any (determiner: any day)onlynew (adjective: new friend)verywhen (conjunction: when you go)may (auxiliary verb: you may go)waylook (verb: look here)like (preposition: like a boat)use (verb: use your head)her (pronoun: give her)such (determiner: such problems)how (adverb: see how)becausewhen (adverb: know when)as (adverb: as good)good (adjective: good time)find (verb: find time)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Gross Domestic Product of United Kingdom Assignment

Gross Domestic Product of United Kingdom - Assignment Example It is computed as the difference between exports and imports. In order to stimulate the economy policy makers employ either fiscal or monetary policies to affect macroeconomic variables. For instance, a decrease in interest rate can boost investment and increase the level of GDP. The current situation of UK is a very common trend in every major economy. After skyrocketing mounts in output levels, growth to start to taper off and enter a showdown. The role of policy makers during this stage cannot be overstated. In order to stimulate the economy, macroeconomic variables are regulated. However, as economics is a social science and policy makers are constrained in analyzing the effects of policies in ceteris paribus, it becomes important that they fully asses the economic repercussions of their implementations. This paper will look at the economic performance of the United Kingdom by looking at the recent historical value of GDP. The first part will discuss the behavior of GDP from 1990-2005 and determine the trends underlying this behavior. This report will also try to explain the growth or reduction in GDP by looking at the individual components of GDP. Then, it will discuss the fiscal and monetary policy of UK as well as suggest recommendation to further enhance the performance of the economy. Figure 1 shows the GDP of United Kingdom from ... GDP in constant prices is used following the rationale that it is a more accurate indicator of the real performance of the country. As opposed to measuring GDP in current prices, it relates a realistic situation as it is tied around a base year. The growth rates of GDP in the aforementioned years are also shown in order to describe the behavior of GDP. During 2005, UK reports a 1131.21 billion in GDP, rising by 1.9 percent from the 2004 level and 37 percent relative to the 1990 level. On the average, the economy is expanding at a relatively slow pace of 2.48 percent annually. Sustained growth in GDP is evidenced by the upward trend in the value of output produced. Looking at the growth rates plotted in the other axis, we can see the volatile behavior of GDP with no single trend or pattern. Expansions of output are often followed by troughs which indicate slower growths. In general, we can see positive growth rates with the exception of 1991, when GDP posted a contraction of 1.49 percent. We should also note that since 1993, UK recorded more than 2 percent growth but slowed down in 2005 as it was only able to increase by 1.9 percent. The paper will then conclude with its findings to alleviate the gap in potential and actual output levels. Figure 1 Source: International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook Database, 2005 Actual and Potential GDP Figure 2 shows the output gap in percent of potential GDP for UK from 1990-2005. At the start of 1990, we can see that the GDP of UK is relatively much higher than its potential GDP evidenced by the positive ratio. In fact, the ratio reached 1.5 which means that UK is producing 50 percent more than its potential GDP. However, this positive ratio had taken a different course in the following year

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Establish the topic from the paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Establish the topic from the paper - Essay Example This reflects cowardice on the behalf of the chosen figures since no one has the courage to take responsibility for their actions. The author places a fraction of the blame on the media since they have the power to change the views and even desires of the masses. They go to the extent of digging up black patches from the history of the individuals who fall on their agenda of getting defamed, while the figures who are favored by them (for some reason) are linked with the hopes and happiness of the nation. The representatives of the parliament are equipped with the power to give their opinions on every matter that is raised in the respective decision making body. The author rightly raises the issue that the intellect and expertise of these individuals is naturally limited to a few fields of life. They might not be familiar with the technicalities of many fields of life but they are granted the right to make a decision about it. This threatens the stability and progress of the bodies fo r which the decision is being taken for. Matters are discussed as if they are a part of a game or race, whereas they should be dealt with productive discussions about the details and repercussions of the solution.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Results and Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Results and Discussion - Essay Example After leaving the substance in the test solution for some time, it is weighted to measure the extent of loss in its weight. It is considered to be the effective method of testing the material’s characteristics. In this chapter, a graphical representation of corrosion testing is given. The corrosion testing was performed with the solution of Nacl with the quantity of 0.9%. Ocp vs time A Pictorial Representation of OCP verses Time with sliding and no-sliding depiction. On x and y-axis, allocation of time and potential mV is given. 4.2 Tribocorrosion The second phase of experiment involves testing the tribocorrosion properties of materials. In the process of potentiostatic measurement, an application of a potential that is constant is applied on the sample with the measurements taken within a period of time. A curve is obtained as a result of this electrochemical process. Here the results of the experiment have been presented in graphical form and in the form of profiles. It has been shown that the effect is of two types in which one consisted of sliding and the other with no sliding. When sliding is done with OCP, it causes damage in the passive film. However, on current, sliding has the effect of increasing it at a significant level. It is important to mention that tribocorrosion is considered to be an invaluable area of research which needs further investigation by various researchers in future. The figure describe the test 1 in a graphical form where time versus potential mV is plotted at x and y-axis. The potential is shown to be increasing slightly with the time till the end. It can be seen from the figure given above that OCP as depicted in blue remains constant throughout except at starting and a near end point at 8000 and reach 0.3. However, HE OCP as exhibited in red color reached at a higher point at 0.4 where other points are the same as OCP. The figure represents the testing of distill water in a graphical form. The graph shows distill water go ing at the point between 0.4 and 0.5 reaching at 7000. The water was shown to be increasing rapidly at the starting point and slightly decreased at the other points till end. The figure represents the test at -750mV with the comparison of HE at-750mV. It is clear from this graphical representation that at-750mV final point is 8000 with 0.5 at y-axis. However, HE at-750mV is at the point above 0.4 but lower than 0.5. In the figure given above, a comparison of at+ 500mV has been given with HE at +500mV in a graphical form. -500mV is at the point 0.3 ranging from 0 to 10000 x-axis. However, HE at+500mV is shown at the starting point of zero from where it started increasing. The rate of increase remained constant for a while with a great decrease at the point of 10000. In this figure the load effect has been seen in forward direction and the results show slightly varied levels of load. The graphs depicts that at the load 0.5 COF began to increase and gets stable with the passage of time . However, the other loads show the stable position of COF at various points. This figure is the representative of effect of load in forward direction and shows average COF to increase considerably with loads. However, it decreases after some time and in the end does not require dependency of a load. The graph represents the effect of load in reverse form in which

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Reputation of Alton Towers

The Reputation of Alton Towers Introduction Over the last decade, there has been a drastic change in the way in which consumers communicate with brands (Giannini, 2011). Instead of one-way communication in which companies present unsolicited information about brands and products through advertisements and promotion messages in the market place, they seek information when they are ready to participate in a dialogue and become part of a mutually beneficial community comprising of marketers and consumers (Giannini, 2011). Public relations is the field which emphasises the importance of two way brand relationship using both traditional and new media channels (Butterick, 2011). This essay focuses upon how Alton Towers Resorts can use the aspects of public relations as part of its marketing efforts to recover its damaged reputation which has caused it a significant loss in revenue due to the crash of Smiler roller-coaster in 2015. Significance of Trust Developing trust with the consumers contributes towards sustaining a needed market share and profitability in the long term (Giannini, 2011). Enhanced consumer trust in brands also contributes towards generating greater consumer satisfaction market place (Giannini, 2011). Alton Towers, which is the UKs most favourite and number one theme park (BBC, 2015), has enjoyed good consumer trust for years. Alton Towers has always taken the health and safety of its guests very seriously and consequently it has the best health and safety records among all the theme parks in the UK (Layton, 2015). All its rides are subject to thorough safety assessments undertaken by specialist maintenance engineers in line with strict procedures (Layton, 2015). The company also undertakes training of its employees and conducts regular health and safety audits (Layton, 2015). It has an excellent first aid care service and an on-site responder team trained by West Midlands Ambulance Service (Layton, 2015). Result antly, the company delivers 12.6 million individual rides every season (Layton, 2015). However, the reputation of Alton Towers following the accident of its Smiler roller-coaster ride in June 2015 has been damaged significantly. The accident resulted in several people being seriously injured and led to the temporary closure of the theme park (BBC, 2015). The accident had an adverse effect on its trading at the beginning of an important summer season (Schram, 2015). The company estimated that its half-year profit is expected to drop between 43%-54% from last years  £87m to  £40m- £50m this year (Schram, 2015). The suspension of market activity across all the other visitors attractions owned by Merlin the owner of Alton Towers also had a strong negative impact on the sales (Schram, 2015). Public Relations Strategy In order to recover the damaged reputation of the brand, Alton Towers needs to deploy a public relations campaign to engage with the public rather than run a marketing campaign. Public relations campaign enable organisations to respond to a business challenges such as the one faced by Alton Towers in the aftermath of Smiler roller-coaster accident rather than simply produce favourable media coverage. Smith (2013) asserts that public relations theories primarily identify a four-phase process for devising and implementing a public relations campaign. Public relations theorists have summarised these as: (1) the RACE acronym (research, actions, communication and evaluation); (2) the ROPE acronym (research, objectives, planning, and evaluation); (3) and the RAISE acronym (research, action, implementation, strategy, evaluation) (Kendall, 1997; Hendrix and Hayes, 2010). All these theories revolve around the basic four-phase model which involves (1) analysing the environment, (2) identific ation of audiences and objectives, (3) development of a strategic approach and (4) development of the implementation plan (Smith, 2013). Smith (2013) has combined all these theories to offer a comprehensive strategic planning framework for public relations campaign comprising of the above four basic phases. It is as follows: Formative Research Analysing the situation Analysing the organisation Analysing the publics Strategy Establishing goals and objectives Formulating action and response strategies Developing the message strategy Tactics Selecting communication tactics Implementing the strategic plans Evaluating Research Evaluating the strategic plan (Smith, 2013 p.16) Formative Research In the above, the background of the company and the situation and its impact upon the image of the brand and its revenue has briefly analysed. Therefore, it is now imperative to analyse the publics or the stakeholders that are to be affected by the public relations campaign. The identification of the publics will enable the marketers to select a suitable channel of media to best engage the audience (Baines, et al. 2007). Publics are defined as a group of people having a common interest and values in a particular situation (Reddi, 2009). In public relations, publics are a group of persons, especially one that is interested in or affected by an action or an idea of an organisation (Reddi, 2009 p. 68). In this instance, publics comprise of all the active audience who are connected, however loosely, by some common concern which has consequences for Alton Towers (Hallahan, 2000; Reddi, 2009). Public relations theorists have identified a basic set of publics or stakeholders which are applicable to most organisations. For instance, Baines, et al (2007) have identified the following groups of publics: Employees Potential Employees Suppliers of goods Distributors Customers Financial markets Opinion leaders and formers The community Other publics Reddi (2009) has identified some additional groups as: Media public International public Friedman (2006) further adds the following stakeholders: Competitors Government, regulators and policy makers From these groups of publics, the main focus of Alton Towers public relations campaign should be the external stakeholders from the general population, such as the (1) community, (2) customers (individuals, companies, schools, etc.), (3) media public, (4) financial markets (including investors) (5) opinion leaders and formers (5) other publics such as those affected by the accident, and (6) government and policy makers. The reason behind this selection is that apart from the recent Smiler roller-coaster accident, Alton Towers has one of the best track record of ensuring safety and health which is presumably well recognised by the internal stakeholders such as employees, distributors, suppliers, etc. The current challenge pertains to regain the trust of external public within the wider population, which has been distorted by the increased focus of commentators on a single incident. In order to make the campaign most effective, Alton Towers should prioritise its publics if in case it is faced by the constraints of budgets and resources. Prioritising the public can help a company to run an effective campaign even within a tight budget (Baines, et al. 2007). The publics of Alton Towers can be prioritised through the power/interest matrix. Strategy The second phase of the public relations campaign relates to formulating objectives, actions and message strategy. Pople and Turnbull, (2012), state that effective objectives should be SMART that is, specific, measurable, achievable, resourced and time-based. Furthermore, these objectives can be cognitive, affective and/or conative (Lantos, 2010). Cognitive objectives are those that relate to creating awareness about something and encourage people to think. Affective objectives are those that shape the attitude, opinion or feeling of the publics about an issue. Conative objectives encourage the audiences to act in a certain way (Lantos, 2010) (see figure 1). Figure 1 (Source: Lantos, 2010 p. 503) In order to overcome the challenge pertaining to the reputation of Alton Towers, the company can combine a set of cognitive, affective and conative SMART objectives for its public relations campaign. These are as follows: To enhance the awareness of the health and safety measures undertaken by the company in the UK by May 2016 to achieve a 50% growth in sales in the following summer season This is a cognitive objective aimed at encouraging the target audience to be assured that a trip to Alton Towers is safe and that the company takes every measure humanly possible to avert any untoward incident Rebuild the trust of public in thrill rides at visitors attractions and theme. Change the attitude of at least 100,000 members of the publics by May, 2016. This is an affective objective aimed at regaining the trust of skeptical people in thrill rides and its safety standards at Alton Towers. To generate the positive feedback of at least 100,000 people about the support provided by Alton Towers to those affected and physically impaired by incidents at Alton Towers and built an Alton Towers Cares image in the eyes of public. This is a conative objective which will encourage the public to provide their feedback over different forms of social media regarding Alton Towers pledges to support those affected by its rides. The message strategy of Alton Towers should be to convey that it is most committed to ensuring safety and health of its guests and that is does not leave any stone unturned in this regard. Acknowledging that accidents do occur in even in the safest environments, the company is very sympathetic towards those affected by its operations in case of any untoward incident. Tactics Once the objectives, actions and message strategy has been finalised, the next step is to determine the tactics through which the public relations campaign will contact and convince the target audiences. This entails choosing the most appropriate channel of communication through which to contact each of the target public (Gregory, 2010). Gregory (2010) asserts that the set of tactics used in any public relations campaign should engage the right number of public and get the desired message across to them in a reasonable cost. Out of the many tactics identified in the literature, the ones related to media relations , customer relations, community relations, and government relations are most suitable to the current campaign. Media Relations Marketing communications literature identifies several tactics for communicating a brands message to its target audience. Within these tactics, the ones related to media relations include press and video releases (Fill, 2011). Alton Towers should prepare and distribute a press/video release showcasing the preparations it makes for safety and health, training provided to its staff in this regard and the readiness of the company to overcome any untoward incidences to establish that the resort is a safe place for visitors. This tactic will cover the cognitive aspect of Alton Towers public relations campaign. The company can also inform the general public through media regarding its pledges for the support of the affected people. Customer Relations For managing customer relations, Alton Towers can utilise marketing communication tactics such as advertising, internet, social networks, new letters, direct mail, and media relations tactics (Fill, 2011). Advertisements: Celebrities endorsement Alton Towers can engage with celebrities and opinion leaders to visit the resort and project their endorsement through advertisements over television and social media to make consumers feel that a trip to Alton Towers is safe for themselves and their families. Social Media Alton Towers can arrange for celebrities and opinion leaders to post their photos of visits to the resort over social media. This tactic will cover the affective aspect of Alton Towers public relations campaign. Community Relations For community relations, direct involvement is the most effective marketing communication tactics (Fill, 2011). Direct Involvement Alton Towers can invite groups from local communities such as companies, schools and institutions to visit the resort and directly observe its commitment to safety and health. It is important to engage these groups to regain their trust in Alton Towers safety measures because these group are often conduct risks assessments before making any bookings at resorts such as Alton Towers. Government Relations Messages can be communicated to governments through official publications such as background material, literature and group briefings (Fill, 2011). Alton Towers can publish reports and literature about its safety procedures and measures to avert incidents; publish inquiry reports to ascertain the causes on any incidents for any concerned government department and regulatory bodies to ensure transparency for its operations and compliance with industry standards. Evaluation The last phase of the public relations campaign relates to evaluation of the strategies and tactics employed in the campaign to determine whether the stated objectives have been achieved (Michaelson and Stacks, 2011; Smith, 2013). The provisions of the SMART objectives have already provided measures to assess the success of the strategies and tactics. The success of this current public relations campaign will be measured against the achievement of a 50% growth in sales in the upcoming summer season in the year 2016; a positive change in attitude of at least 100,000 visitors towards thrill rides during the same period, and receiving at least 100,000 positive feedback for the companys support efforts for the affected people over various forms of social media. Conclusion The above public relations campaign can be effective in rebuilding the companys damaged reputations in the eyes of public following the accident of Smiler roller-coaster ride in June 2015. This public relations campaign can work hand in glove with Alton Towers marketing efforts to regain its lost market share and levels of profitability. References Baines, P., Egan, J and Jefkins, F. (2007) Public Relations. Oxford: Routledge. BBC (2015). Alton Towers rollercoaster crash causes Merlin profit warning. Available from Butterick, K (2011). Introducing Public Relations: Theory and Practice. London:Sage. Fill, C. (2011) Essentials of Marketing Communications, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall Friedman, A.L. and Miles, S. (2006). Stakeholders: Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press Giannini, G. (2011). Marketing Public Relations. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley. Gregory, A. (2013). Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns: A Strategic Approach. London: Kogan Page Publisher Hallahan, K. (2000) Inactive Publics: The Forgotten Publics in Public Relations. Public Relations Review 26(4): 499-515 Hendrix, J. and Hayes, D. (2010). Public relations cases (8Th ed.). Belmont: Thomson Learning. Kendall, R. (1997). Public Relations Campaign Strategies. New York: Addison-Wesley. Lantos, G (2010). Consumer Behavior in Action. New York: M E Sharpe Layton, J (2015). Thirty accidents at Alton Towers in three years, figures reveal. Birmingham Mail. Available from Michaelson, D and Stacks, D. (2011). Standardization in public relations measurement and evaluation. Public Relations Journal, 5, 7-8. Pople, A. and Turnbull, S. (2012). Advertising and Public Relations. Pearson, Harlow. Reddi, N. (2009). Effective Public Relations and Media Strategy. New Dehli: PHI Learning. Schram, B (2015). Alton Towers crash: Smiler ride accident dents Merlins sales. International Business Times. Available from Smith, R. (2013). Strategic Planning for Public Relations. New York: Routledge

Friday, October 25, 2019

Charlotte Brontes Childhood Influences to Become a Writer :: Charlotte Bronte Author Essays

Charlotte Bronte's Childhood Influences to Become a Writer Charlotte was born to in 1816 in Yorkshire to Patrick Bronte and his wife. She was one of six children, an averaged size family in those days. The family were moved to Haworth (a small village in the west Yorkshire moors) in 1820. Sadly a year later Mrs Bronte died leaving the six children in her sisters care. Charlotte had to cope with the death of a mother when she was very young and the death of her two elder sisters a few years later. She had to learn to care for herself and to be more independent. This may have helped Charlotte to be able to empathise with the feelings that arise when somebody dies. In later years she was then able to use these feeling in her novels. Having to be independent may have helped her to be able to make up the character Jane Eyre as she was in a similar situation to as Charlotte, having to learn to care for herself and having to cope with the death of a parent. In 1824 Charlotte was sent to boarding school with three of her four sisters. The appalling conditions at the school had a long term affect on the two elder sisters and this is where Maria and Louisa died. After the death of Maria and Louisa Charlottes father brought all his children home. Charlotte made this school the model for Lowood institute in Jane Eyre. So although she had been through horrible times she was able to use them to her advantage. After their mother and two eldest children had died, Charlotte was left with her sisters Emily and Anne and brother Branwell to the care of their father, and their strict, religious aunt, Elisabeth Branwell. The children created imaginary kingdoms, which were built around Branwell's toy soldiers, and which inspired them to write stories about the fantasylands of Angria and Gondal. Charlotte had a very big imagination at an early age and having a brother and sister that shared this imagination helped her to expand on it. All of Mr Brontes children were encouraged to read widely.The Bronte children were avid readers and they loved to make up stories and then share them with each other. In later life Charlotte started a new school and after she had left the school she then returned to it a few years later as a teacher. She was able to practice her writing skills and learn how to teach them to others. In 1841 Charlotte became a pupil at the Maison d'education pour les jeunes, in Brussels.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Good Earth’s Relationship Between Wang Lung and O-Lan

The relationship between O-lan and Wang Lung is stabilized by O-lan’s hard work and resourcefulness, based largely upon a woman’s inferiority, and threatened by superficial tendencies. Their affiliation also ends romantically with the loss of love and is regretted, in the end, with sufficient sympathy. O-lan proves to be beneficial through means of outdoor labor. In the afternoon she took a hoe and a basket and these upon her shoulder she went to the main road leading into the city where mules and donkeys and horses carried burdens to and fro, and there she picked the droppings from the animals and carried it home and piled the manure in the dooryard for fertilizer for the fields† (Buck 29). O-lan also proves her helpfulness by performing household chores, to much of Wang Lung’s appreciation. â€Å"And she took their ragged clothes and with thread herself spun on a bamboo spindle from a wad of cotton she mended and contrived to cover the rents in their win ter clothes† (Buck 29).Although this is true, Wang Lung’s gratitude towards O-lan appears repressed as he constantly hides his feelings for her in the beginning. The protagonist immediately becomes mortified by his affection for O-lan. â€Å"And then he was ashamed of his own curiosity and of his interest in her† (Buck 30). Wang Lung subsequently attempts to dissuade these thoughts. O-lan’s aid and usefulness obviously weakens the tension between both spouses and creates a more mutual, stable life at home. Arguments are rarely heard amongst the lips of either husband or wife.This may be due to O-lan’s unusual quietness. â€Å"But she never talked, this woman, except for the brief necessities of life† (Buck 30). This silence almost utterly terminates all heated conversations. However, it also enhances her appearance as a slave and overall working image. â€Å"But in the day her clothes, her plain blue cotton coat and trousers, covered all tha t he knew, and she was like a faithful, speechless serving maid, who is only a serving maid and nothing more† (Buck 30). Women, in ancient cultures are, as shown in The Good Earth, thought to be of lesser value than that of men. She was, after all, only a woman† (Buck 30). On numerous occasions, O-lan is treated as if she is a piece of property obtained by her new husband. â€Å"It seemed that during these next months he did nothing except watch this woman of his† (Buck 28). Wang Lung acts this way due to the environment in which he grew from, where both elders and men reign, leaving women at the bottom of the totem pole. Wang Lung’s uncle once questioned, â€Å"Have you not heard it said that in the Sacred Edicts it is commanded that a man is never to correct an elder,† (Buck 66).As the novel progresses, Wang Lung’s thoughts of his wife’s exterior begin to surface as superficial tendencies emerge. He complains of her horrid hair and ro ugh features. â€Å"He saw for the first time that her hair was rough and brown and unoiled and that her face was large and flat coarse-skinned, and her features too large altogether and without any sort of beauty or light† (Buck 179-180). These cruel comments are the first slap in the face of O-lan, as Wang Lung’s manly instincts begin to kick in and he discovers beauty abroad.Lotus enters the story when Wang Lung gives into the temptation of lust. He buys her, despite the fact that he is a married man. Threatening the relationship between O-lan and Wang Lung, Lotus slowly tears the couple apart even more than they were before. Earlier in the novel, during the raid of an aristocrat’s home, O-lan finds many valuable gems within the walls. Once money becomes a necessity, Wang Lung asks for the gems in order to grant them to the House of Hwang in return for additional land.O-lan is allowed to keep only two of her choosing and she quickly decides on two pearls: And he was moved by something he did not understand and he pulled the jewels from his bosom and unwrapped them and handed them to her in silence, and she searched among the glittering colors, her hard brown hand turning over the stones delicately and lingeringly until she found the two smooth white pearls, and these she took, and tying up the others again, she gave them back to him. (Buck 157-158) These white spheres represent more than just the upcoming twins. They also symbolize Wang Lung’s love for O-lan, no matter how limited it may be.Once Wang Lung becomes completely entangled inside Lotus’s web of desire, he demands that O-lan give him the pearls at once so he could, in turn, award them to his concubine. This simple act may be construed as Wang Lung’s thievery of his affection for O-lan and Lotus’s gain in the matter. As O-lan begins to die, she utters a phrase that entirely reveals all of her inner thoughts. â€Å"Well I know I am ugly and cannot be loved—,† (Buck 277). These ideas show her lack in confidence that may have been even more destroyed with Wang Lung’s brutal behavior and harsh words.Wang Lung, however, felt guilt beyond measure and â€Å"wondered and grieved at himself most of all because what she said was true, and even when he took her hand, desiring truly that she feel his tenderness towards her, he was ashamed because he could feel no tenderness, no melting of the heart such as Lotus could win from him with a pout of her lips† (Buck 277). This not only serves as evidence of Wang Lung’s sympathy towards O-lan and his regret for everything that he induced. It also reiterates the fact that Wang Lung and O-lan’s relationship changed instantaneously as his feelings for Lotus blossomed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Abc Model of Crisis Intervention

Although not everyone that comes across a stressor in life will experience a crisis, some are unable to cope with the stressor in a healthy manner and eventually succumb to a crisis. If this person does not receive the adequate crisis intervention during this state, he or she is likely to be unable to function at the level he or she had been functioning before the crisis. This will inevitably lead to additional crisis scenarios for every stressor they must face in life. This pattern can go on for many years until the person’s ego is completely drained of its capacity to deal with reality; often such people commit suicide, kill someone, or have a psychotic breakdown. † (Kanel, K. 2007). In order to be able to help the client to the best of the counselor’s abilities, the ABC Model of Crisis Intervention provides a useful guideline to learn about crisis intervention.In our textbook, Kanel states that â€Å"The three aspects of a crisis are (1) A precipitating event occurs; (2) the perception of this event leads to subjective distress; and (3) usual coping methods fail, leading the person experiencing the event to function psychologically, emotionally, or behaviorally at a lower level than before the precipitating event occurred. † In order to successfully help a client cope with a crisis, these three components must be recognized so that the counselor can help the client identify and overcome the crisis.The perception of the event is by far the most crucial to identify, as this is the one that can help the counselor select the best treatment for the client. In order to be a successful crisis intervention counselor, the most important skills needed are listening to the client with a compassionate and empathetic ear. According to our textbook, the most basic skill of helping is listening. â€Å"Good eye contact, attentive body language, expressive vocal style, and verbal following are valuable listening tools. † (Kanel, K. 2007).Thi s implies that by listening to your client and demonstrating genuine care, sympathy and interest, you can build a trusting rapport with your client and enable them to truly open up to you. If you are unable to build this rapport, you will go nowhere with a client that is either too embarrassed or not confident enough in your ability to help them. It is critical to identify the client’s perception of the event in order to help them. This is what will tell you what the problem at hand truly is. By doing so, the counselor can help the client identify the problem and overcome their issues.I like to use the Cognitive Tree as a metaphor rather than as a guideline of sorts. You need to get to the root of the problem in order to determine how to fix it. If your roots are healthy, your branches will blossom. But if your roots are damaged and aren’t dealt with in a constructive and healthy manner, your branches will wither and perish. I would identify the precipitating event by directly asking the client why they came to see me. After this initial question, I would follow with several open ended questions in order to allow the client to not only describe what the problem is, but also how they perceive the problem to be.Questions like â€Å"What does this mean to you? † or â€Å"†What emotions are going on inside you? † can allow them to express in detail their perception, without making any assumptions for them. As with any patient/client relationships, there are several ethical considerations that should be paid special attention, and if any are present, should be reported immediately. These include any suicidal or homicidal thoughts or intents made clear by the patient. If it is a possibility that they may endanger their life or someone else’s life, this must be reported. Any forms of abuse are also not to be allowed or tolerated, much less encouraged.This includes child abuse, elder abuse and even spousal abuse. Whether the ab use is happening to them, someone else in their household or they are the abuser themselves, this is not to be taken lightly and would need to reported and fully investigated to ensure the best interests of the client as well as their immediate family. Substance-abuse issues also need to be addressed and in that case, adequate treatment would include detox and/or rehab services. Finally any medical concerns that may have arisen are also of concern and should be dealt with immediately.For instance, if since the event the client has become a hoarder or compulsive sex addict, these issues must also be dealt with appropriately. There are many methods of coping treatments available to your clients in today’s day and age. Most traditional forms of coping treatments are those such as support groups or 12-step groups, individual or family therapy, legal aid, or even reading self-help books. Preventative techniques of coping help the client prepare for future stressors in their lives and thus help them to be more able to cope with these stressors in a normal and healthy manner.I would most likely recommend the client to meditate daily in order to remain calm. I would also tell them to envision any stressors that can ever possibly arise and to already plan how they would react to it. For instance, if a client is scared that their husband may need to have a surgery performed, I would tell them to decide how they would deal with it if it does happen. By doing so, they will already begin to face their demons and it will not appear as scary as it did.So when it does happen, it lost all of the unexpected surprise element and can be easier to deal with. The most important thing I must keep in mind as I try to help patients cope with their crisis is that they can be the best counselor to themselves by pretending a friend of theirs was going through a similar situation. What advice would they give their friend? Odds are that is the best advice anyone can give them, so th ey might as well listen to their own advice.References Kanel, Kristi (2007). A Guide to Crisis Intervention. Belmont, CA; Cengage Learning.